Information about accommodation
Identification details of owner:
Name and address of the establishment: Apartment Lodenica, K Lodenici 7396/6
Business name of the operator: MVDr. Tomáš Schuster, MBA
Operator's registered office: Kajakárska 7290/20, 921 01 Piešt'any
IČO: 37745328 DIC: SK1043410918
Responsible leader: Tomáš Schuster
Telephone contact: 0915 974 046
Type and method of service provided
Type of service provided: accommodation facility with time
limited accommodation - private accommodation .
Method of service provision: only accommodation services are provided.
Total capacity of the accommodation facility: 2 beds and 1 extra bed.
Method of providing meals in the facility: no meals.
Additional services for clients: the facility does not provide other additional services.
Payment for accommodation:
Method of receiving payments: via booking systems
(e.g. Booking), or by transfer to an account based on a tax document (invoice).
Cash payment is not possible.